Back Issues Vol. 1-3
Issues available are:Vol 1-3, Vol 4-6, Vol 7-8, Other titles
All prices are inclusive of UK postal rates.

Vol.1 No.1
Space Rider (first story)
Rip von Haddow

Vol.1 No.2
Prodigal Son,
Space Rider (first story 2nd part).
Out of Print
Photocopies only

Vol.1 No.3
Out of Print
Photocopies only

Vol.2 No.1
Sacrifice (2nd part),
Anti-Gravity Man.

Vol.2 No.2
Ghost Errant,

Vol.2 No.3
The Great Atlantic Crossing,
The Dream Pedlars.
Out of Print
Photocopies only

Vol.3 No.1
Pass the Parcel,
The Dream Pedlars (2nd part).

Vol.3 No.2
Poles Apart,
A Foreign Body.

Vol.3 No.3
The Gamesman,
Sitting Tenants,
First Person Plural.
Out of Print
Photocopies only